Art Echo


I love being able to see artistic influences in artwork. In certain works you can almost track a whole lineage of a design styles in one piece. I just happened to come across a mother load of Mary Blair Illustrations at the awesome ASIFA-Hollywood Animation Project Blog, Ronnie Del Carmen recently posted this great caricature of John Lasseter on his blog as a part of an ongoing series of people he works with. Great homage to the Blair style.

As a side note i think this Pixar Disney merger is amazing news. I thnk it means we'll get better quality animation across the board and the full $upport of the Disney corporation behind Pixar which is stupendous.

Much luck to all involved.

Post it Bot!!


Akira Kurosawa


Part of an ongoing series of director portraits, more to come!

the RUnR


Wanted to do a robot Illo, any comments or critiques would be great!

IG88 Killing Ninja Jawas?


Oh yes Star Wars...need i say more? IG88 is both the lamest and coolest robot design ever.

Evil Shaolin Monk


Did this Sketch as a concept for a villain I was planning on using for a story idea alas he was one more villain than i needed. I still think it was a cool drawing so here it is.

Post it Scribbles


random doodles done out of boredom. I love seeing other peoples post it note drawings and scribbles....

the Impossibles: part 1


So i was inspired by the uber-talented Saxton Moore to do my own lil retro redesign, so i picked The Impossibles! Strating with Multi-man, i'll keep posting the other impossibles soon so stay tuned...

The Good the Bad and the Ugly


I had the idea of doing a piece based on the good the bad and the ugly since I first saw the the entire "man with no name" Sergio Leonne trilogy last year. So i finally went ahead and did it as a gift for my good friend Luis. So here it is:

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