

Here it is finally my Platform International Animation Festival Post! I got the opportunity to go thanks to American Greetings, I was able to go on a "Creative Recharge Grant" (thanks AGP!!!)

It was an amazingly informative and inspirational few days in Portland, Oregon, i met a slew of animators and film makers. I was blown away by the amount of talent and the level of quality of the films shown, and came back inspired and (appropriately enough ) creatively re-charged . Here are a few pics of my trip, i'll make the full album available on flickr soon also make sure to check out some of the other coverage of the festival at the following links:

Official Platform Site
Article about the festival on Animation World Network
Ward Jenkins Platform Flickr photoset

The Portland Center for the Arts

Some Platform Shwag: Note the Cartoon Network frisbee, a personal favorite :)

Portland is a beautiful city, tons of parks and very pedestrian/biker friendly.

Sweet drawing by Artist Illustrator James Jarvis, one of the guest speakers and designer of the awards trophy.

Special 35mm screening of Disney's "Snow White", hosted by famed animation historian John Canemaker, with special guest Marge Champion, the model for Snow White's movements and gestures.

Closing Night Party.

Smoosh live!!!
Me and Don Hertzfeld, animator creator of many short animated films, including the Academy-Award nominated cult favorite "Rejected". Don's latest film "Everything Will Be Ok" was one of the best films i saw at the festival, and won Best in Category at Platform, highly reccomended.
Thats it! Special thanks must go out to Ward Jenkins for allowing me to hang out with him and for poitning out who everyone was, also thanks to Amid Amidi for being cool and encouraging on my first animation festival experience!

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